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Natural Surface Roads Workshop 

Butte County Resource Conservation District is hosting a Natural Surface Roads Workshop on Thursday, May 16th starting at 9 AM at the Butte County Public Works Chico Facility -44 Bellarmine Court, Chico CA. 

This no-cost workshop is for landowners residents and organizations who are responsible for maintaining and improving generally unpaved roads accommodating multiple uses. The workshop will include a classroom session in the morning followed by a road site visit to demonstrate road assessment tools, diagnose problems and review beneficial practices and road remediation after wildfire and storm damage. The workshop will conclude around 4 PM. Everyone attending the workshop will receive a copy of Pacific Watershed Associates, Forest, Ranch, and Rural Roads Handbook

May contain: dirt road, road, gravel, and path
insloped road pre-treatment
May contain: gravel, road, dirt road, car, transportation, vehicle, and automobile
outsloped road with rolling dips post-treatment -reduced sediment to streams

Workshop Objectives Include:

  • Identifying road related problems and their causes
  • Road Best Management Practices
  • Preventing road failures or impaired functioning
  • Reducing future maintenance costs
  • Minimizing environmental impacts of roads

Workshop Topics:

  • Fundamentals of rural, low volume roads
  • Environmental conditions affecting roads
  • Road assessment methods
  • Road management and maintenance
  • Permitting requirements
  • Sources of technical and financial assistance

Workshop participants need to bring a sack lunch, water, sunscreen and wear closed-toed shoes. 

To sign up please enter your information below. Sign-up is required

For additional information please email or call 530-693-3173

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Download the workshop flyer here:

Road Workshop_Flyer.pdf

This Project has been funded wholly or in part by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board). The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the State Water Board, nor does the State Water Board endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document.